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My name is Andrew Castillo and I am a mathematician and data scientist. Here are a few of the data science projects that I have worked on during my free time. Github links to the projects are provided if you would like a more in depth analysis.

Project 1: CoverMyMeds Erdos Bootcamp Prior Authorization Predictor

Two part project in which I used simulated data based on prior authorization information to make predictions.

Project Overview:

Part 1 of the project consisted of creating a model predicting whether a prior authorization would be needed based upon pharmacy claims data. This portion of the project also consisted of exploratory data analysis in which the following questions were answered:

Part 2 of the project consisted of creating a model predicting whether a prior authorization is likely to be approved. This model was based on data contained on the PA such as correct diagnosis, has already tried and failed a generic drug alternative, has health-related reasons not to take certain medications (contraindications), and claims data. Moreover, this portion consisted of exploratory data analysis in which the following questions were answered (based only on the prior authorization data):

Project 2: NFL Big Data Bowl Erdos Bootcamp Project

This project was completed as part of the The Erdős Institute Data Science Boot Camp 2021. The NFL Big Data Bowl is an annual analytics contest that explores statistical innovations in football. NFL data from the 2018 season was analyzed to provide recommendations and summaries for optimal defensive coverages, first down analysis, and penalty analysis. To successfully create a prediction model that NFL teams can benefit from, it is important to understand football and its related data. This will allow data scientists to identify significant data for building a model.

Project Overview:

1. Optimal Defensive Coverages:

Passing plays are the most efficient way for the offensive team to gain field position. Over the course of its history, the NFL has increasingly become a passing focused league.

GOAL: Significant data from the 2018 NFL season will be analyzed to find out which defensive coverages result in the smallest EPA and smallest average passing yards to provide recommendations and summaries for optimal defensive coverages.

2. First Down Analysis:

An offense has four downs or fewer to advance the 10 yards required to gain a first down, which allows them to maintain possession and earns them another four downs. The goal of the offensive team is to secure first downs and eventually score, while the goal of the defensive team is to prevent first downs and to secure turnovers. Because of this, it is important to find out which offensive formations are best at securing first downs and which defensive formations are best at preventing first downs.

GOAL: Analysis will consist of examining factors such as quarter, down, yards to go, play result, play type (pass or sack), and offensive and defensive personnel from the 2018 NFL season to find out the first down success percentage of different offensive and defensive formations.

3. Penalty Analysis:

When either the offense or defense violates the rules of the game, they are assessed a penalty. The teams and fans know a penalty has been called when an official throws a yellow flag on the field. Penalties award field position to either the offensive or defensive team based on which team committed the penalty. Penalties range from 5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards, to potentially the entire length of the field when it comes to pass interference. Because of this, it is important to find out which formations are generally prone or averse to committing penalties.

GOAL: Analysis will consist of examining data from the 2018 NFL season to find out which offensive and defensive formations are more or less likely to commit penalties. Moreoever, we aim to predict penalties based on week 1 player tracking data as well as plays data.

Project 3: Data Analyst Salary Predictor

Independent project to gather information on data analyst positions with regard to the skills required as well as predicting salaries.

Project Overview:

This project consisted of analyzing the skills needed for data analyst positions as well as predict the salaries for such positions (MAE approx 14.83K). I also analyzed the locations that had the most jobs available, their available salaries, which type of specific data analyst jobs were available, as well as which specific job titles had the highest ratings. I used data that was scraped from and can be found at the following link:

As data analyst positions become more popular as the field grows, I hope the results of this project help those who are looking for such positions. Those on the job market could use the results of this project to zone in on what skills they should acquire, where they could potentitally look for jobs, as well as analyze which sectors value the position the most.

Part of the project consisted of generating features from the text of the job description to find the which skills were required. Examples include, SQL, Excel, Tableau, Power-BI, and Python.

Extensive exploratory data analysis was used for the findings and can be referenced below. A few important items that stand out from the data are as follows:

Modelling the salaries consisted of the regularization methods Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net as well as the powerful XGBoost. I used GridSearchCV on the regularization models and the built in hyperparameter tuning feature of XGBoost to optimize that model.

Project 4: Credit Card Customer Segmentation Project

Independent project where unsupervised learning techniques are used to evaluate the data.

Project Overview:

This project consisted of evaluating characteristics of credit card customers. The given data consisted of features such as average credit limit, total credit cards, visits to the bank and online, and calls made to the bank. Since we would like to evaluate characteristics of customers and there is no target variable, we need to use unsupervised learning techniques to gather information from the data.

In particular, evaluating the characteristics of the clusters consisted of implementing the well known clustering methods KMeans and Hierarchical. Using elbow plots, silhouette graphs, and dendrograms, it was found that three clusters is the optimal number of clusters for this data. To understand and evaluate the clusters, various exploratory data analysis techniques were used including box plots, violin plots, and distributions. The Hierarchical clustering technique retured the highest silhouette score of the two methods and it would appear that this technique is best for the data.

Here is a detailed customer cluster analysis from the Hierarchical technique: